Saturday, September 29, 2018

Nails & The Art of Conversation

Nail Art, A Quick, Cheap and Easy Way To Take Care of You

If there's one thing people notice and easily comment on, it's nail art. 

And it doesn't even have to be very artistic nail art.... something as simple as a two color 'hombre' (also known as 'gradient') design is often enough not only to make your hands and you look good, and feel good about you, but also... to get other people to 'notice' and 'engage' with you, which again, makes you feel good about you. 

As I've mentioned before in other posts on this blog, my mom was a nail tech and I was her 'nail art guinea pig' for years.  She's got the 'artistic' gift, which, as I've also mentioned in other posts on this blog, is a gene that skipped me, but did manage to go to my first born son. 

When I first started to make an 'effort' to practice self-care, I started with my nails.

And luckily, now that Mom isn't a nail tech anymore, we have this wonderful technology called... The Internet.

And the Internet gives us websites like YouTube and Pinterest, where we can find amazing nail art, and 'hacks' to cheat your way into 'artistic nail designs that will make everyone think you paid a fortune to get your nails done.' 

And of course we have Amazon and e-bay where we can find some amazing, and cheap, accessories for our nail art too.

Here are a few of the nail art jobs I've done on my own nails... 

My Autumn Nail Art Experiment

This was an experiment I tried in the fall of 2017. 

 I wanted an 'elegant' fall harvest look.

I wanted to go beyond the pumpkin orange and brown colors and have something dramatic, with red, purple, green and gold.

I did manage to get a nice look, but I had to do a ton of experimenting... so much so that I could never replicate it now.

I may try for something like this again after Halloween 2018.

My first experiment with Mermaid Nails

While still trying to figure out how to do mermaid hair, I decided to look into 'mermaid nails'.

I quite a few ideas on Pinterest and YouTube, and finally settled on trying something simple.. 

These were a little plain, but I wanted to get a good color scheme down before going 'full on mermaid.'

My second experiment with Mermaid Nails

After the first experiment, I decided I needed to tone the colors down a bit, so I could bring in some mermaid/marine,sea,ocean nail jewelry. 

I loved the way they looked... the only problem I had was keeping the jewelry on my nails.  

I ordered the nail jewelry kit from Amazon and it was only about $8.00.  Not bad, considering how hard these little gems are to find. 

Now that it's almost October of 2018, I'll be looking for and attempting "Halloween Nails," so stay tuned. 

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