Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Developing A Self Care Routine

Why You Need A Self Care Routine

You wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, shower, get the kids breakfast, dressed and off to school, rush to work, get your job done, pick the kids up, make dinner, help with homework...

What do all of these things have in common?

Simple.  A routine.

But... what's missing? 

Time for 'you' to 'take care of you'

On some level, we all know the importance of self care, yet, as women, wives, and moms, it's part of our nature to nurture... everyone but ourselves, leaving us and our self care to take a back seat to everyone else's needs.   But you can't pour from an empty cup, and that means you have to take care of you if you're going to be able to take care of anyone else.  That's why you need a self care routine.

A self care routine doesn't have to be some huge investment of time or money for a weekend at a spa.

It can be as simple as practicing one 'self care activity' a day, for as little as 15 minutes a day.

If you're overwhelmed with life, you can start small... choose just one self care activity, that you can do while doing something else at the same time...

Use your shower time to meditate.
Listen to a tutorial while you drive to work.
Journal your emotions while you cook dinner.

Finding time to take care of yourself is paramount to your emotional health and well being. Start making a self care routine today.

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