Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Self Care Planner

Why You Need A Self Care Planner

Living a fast paced society can be stressful even for the most emotionally adjusted among us.  With the daily responsibilities of jobs, homes, bills, husbands, kids, parents, family and friends, we can easily neglect our own needs, and forget to take time out for ourselves.  If you're finding it difficult to take time out for 'taking care of you,' you may want to consider using a self care planner.

What Is A Self Care Planner?

A self care planner is more than just a calendar.  It's also your:
  • self care journal, 
  • goal setting guide 
  • results tracking system
A self care planner allows you to easily choose and plan your own self care activities and routines. Plus, it can help you to document self care tips, strategies, checklists and more.

How To Get Your Own Self Care Planner

There are quite a few ideas on what self care actually is and what kinds of self care activities are, and so there are several types of self care planners you can choose from.

Here we use the acronym "P.I.E.S." to describe our approach to self care.  P.I.E.S. stands for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual. You can read all about P.I.E.S. for self care here.  And where other self care ideas include topics such as 'financial care,' and 'environmental care,' etc, most of these topics will fall under one of the P.I.E.S.

So while you can purchase a ready made 'self care planner' from Amazon, or find any number of  'self care planner' templates and pdf's on Pinterest, you may want to consider simply building on the 'self care journal' described in this post, to create your own planner for your self care.

Getting Started With Your Personal Self Care Planner...

Once you've decided on a self care planner, it's time to start filling it in with your plans for your self care activities, the goals you want to reach by engaging in those activities, and of course, your thoughts, ideas, results, and feelings about your self care journey.

As you approach reaching any goals, you can use your planner to make note of future goals, or even just ideas for goals you may be thinking about setting in the future.

Your self care plan is vital to your emotional health.  Make it a priority by having a personal self care plan that meets your needs.

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