Saturday, January 5, 2019

Financial Self Care 101

Financial Fitness - Self Care For Your Finances

When it comes to personal finances and personal financial planning, the 'list of things to do' seems to grow as a long list that could easily be titled, "... things I should have done when... "
  • "I should have started a life insurance policy at 18."
  • "I should have started saving for my retirement at 20."
  • "I should have started saving for my kids education before I got pregnant."
Worse yet... it always seems that if you didn't 'start way back then,' that you'll never be able to 'catch up now.' 

At 40 years old, I had no college savings for my kids, no retirement savings for myself, and no life insurance policy to leave to my kids or any guardian that may haven to care for them in the event that something happened to me before they became self-sufficient adults. 

And just to add insult to that injury, my husband took a promotion that meant working long, late hours, with the same woman he'd already had an 'emotional affair' with the year before, insisting he was doing it so we could have a better life (after 3.5 years of him barely making above the minimum wage with a schedule that made it impossible for me to work outside the home) only to leave me just two months later, for her. 

Now, not only did I have to catch up, I had to do it all alone.  Without any financial (or emotional) support from a spouse. 

So I sat myself down, and created a deeply detailed 'personal financial plan' for making sure my kids would be able to go to college and I would be able to retire comfortably. 

And the good news is...

I'm going to give it to you!

And even better than that...

It's FREE!

Here's what you get: 

  • A PDF Report, showing you everything you need to know to begin creating your very own financially secure future... 
  • A "Fill in the Blanks" workbook you can use to create your very own plan for 'financial security' starting today, *PLUS... A video walk-through every step in the guide and the workbook!
  • A 7 part 'email course' on how to put your "Financial Self Care" mission on steroids, so you get bigger results... faster. 
  • An invitation to join our  "Financial Self Care Round Table" on YouTube so you can stay up to date on the latest news and trends in personal finance.... 

Just enter your name and email address into the form below...

Get Your Free Financial Self Care Plan

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