Sunday, January 6, 2019


Self Care And Love

No matter what stage of life we're in, and regardless of where we are at on our 'P.I.E.S. Journey' through life, one thing that remains constant for almost all of us is the need to give and receive love.

Whether we are still single and dating and looking for love, married and seeking new ways to make our marriage better, or divorced or widowed and starting to date to find love yet again, as long as we are seeking out 'love,' we are growing as people.

... What does self care have to do with love?

You've probably heard it said that no one else can love you if you can't love yourself.

And you may have even heard it said that you can't love someone else if you can't love yourself.

Here's how we think of it... 

     You can't pour from an empty cup. 

Self care is how you fill yourself up with love.

So you can love yourself.

So you can love someone else... and let someone else love you.

Self Care is loving yourself, P.I.E.S is how you do it 

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