Friday, January 4, 2019

Never Stop Learning, The Benefits of Intellectual Self Care

"Intellectual".... The "I" in P.I.E.S  And How It Relates To Self Care

While going back to school is often a dream for many of us, whether it be to pursue a new career or to enhance a current one, intellectual stimulation as a part of self-care is about more than getting a new college degree or a better paying job.

Sure, you can go back to school if you want to... or if you need to....


Even if more 'schooling' isn't on your 'bucket list,'... 'learning' is a lifelong process and an essential
part of the P.I.E.S program.

And the reason it's a 'staple' of self-care is because the more you learn, the more you 'become.' And the more you 'become,' .... the more 'full' you become... the more self-esteem, and self-worth you have, the more 'fulfilled' you feel.

  • Yes, you can learn to play the piano, even if you have no intention of becoming a concert pianist. 
  • You don't need to be pursuing a career as a Spanish teacher to learn Spanish. 
  • And of course you can learn to paint, without anyone expecting you to become the next Pablo Picasso.

The point of 'intellectual' stimulation is to 'fill you up.'

As we enter our 40's and beyond, we face new life challenges such as divorce, empty nest, and even death... and the key to 'getting through' any and all of them is 'self care.'


Of course, sometimes, going back to 'school' is necessary for some of us, and in those cases, it's imperative that we select the best course of education for furthering our education....

Whether we are seeking continuing education opportunities to advance an existing career, or are seeking to pursue a brand new career, we must exercise all due diligence, and always analyze the cost vs. benefit of the pursuit.

Research the cost of the education, and the options for it (community colleges, universities, trade schools.) Explore options for financial aid, grants and student loans... and then research the field, it's average pay, it's job growth rate, and it's advancement potential... and then make your informed decision.

Several universities have even put their entire cirriculum online for free. 

It's also important to factor in the time you'll need to acquire the skills necessary to meet whatever needs are driving your pursuit of education.  If it's going to take longer than you have for the end result to get you where you 'need' to be, you may need to consider other options... either instead of education, or, to go alongside it.

*Specialized Education

For some of us, the need to increase our earning potential is exceeded by a need to increase it more

than any 'career' will allow for any number of various reasons... and we may seek specialized education, such as 'how to start your own business'... and then more 'specific' types of specialized education under that subject matter such as 'how to start your own crafts business.'

*At 40 years old, facing a divorce and the prospect of raising two children on my own, with no college savings for them and no retirement savings for myself, I didn't have the time to invest in a 2, 4, or 6 year college degree that would not only be 'suitable' to my abilities, but would also pay enough for me to 'recover, catch up, and get ahead'... a simple Google search for "Jobs that pay 70K per year with no degree" led me to some very interesting career options."

Another benefit to 'specialized education' is that you can often get it for free, or for an extremely low cost, through various resources such as 'career planning centers' (usually associated with 'welfare' programs which are available to everyone and not just welfare recepients); local libraries, seminars, online classes and courses, and even neighborhood civics associations.

Other Intellectual Pursuits... 

Whether it's 'intentional' or not, we truly never stop learning.  Each day of our lives, brings us the opportunity to learn something new.  Think about that feeling you get when someone shows you something that you never knew... and then think about how you feel when what you just learned is something 'useful' to you... that's why LifeHacks are so popular.

Now think about the last time you learned something you 'set out' to learn... do you remember how you felt once you learned it?

It's empowering.

When we learn something, it makes us feel good about ourselves.  Whether it's a new hobby, or a new trick we learned that 'enhances' one of our existing hobbies.

And best of all... 

We can learn a lot online, and for free.

On YouTube alone you can learn how to speak a new language, paint, sculpt, use computer programs, and even become a programmer yourself... all free.

I don't have to tell you that Google can provide you with an avalanche of information on any topic you want to 'learn' about

And of course, forums are not only another great place to 'learn' things, but also, a place to meet like-minded people, so you can share the joy of learning with them.

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